The Usher Ministry is dedicated to making all who arrive on the campus feel welcome. Ushers are available at every Sunday service to help people find a parking spot, seats, answer questions, remove distractions and pass out or collect materials.
Interested In Serving
Becoming a Volunteer
It is required that all volunteers do the following before serving:
- Complete the Distinctive Classes
- Submit a ministry application
- Complete a background check (18+)
Areas to Serve
Parking Lot:
Safety and Security:
- Direct the guests as they arrive
- Provide shuttle rides and golf cart
- Be ready and willing to welcome, encourage, and assist
- Be alert and direct congregants before, during, and after service
- Be available to serve or support communion services
Safety and Security:
- Assist with sanctuary policy compliance
- Provide direction for entering and exiting
- Assist with emergency evacuations
- Assist with medical needs