Sally's Bible Studies

Devoted Like Daniel

An Inductive Overview of the book of Daniel

The Bible tells us that in the last days, right will be seen as wrong, and wrong will be seen as right. This is happening today before our very eyes.

As we study the book of Daniel, we will see the devotion and courage of Daniel and his three Hebrew friends who were taken captive to Babylon, a pagan culture with foreign people and false gods. Instead of fitting in, these four men stayed steadfast in their devotion to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. As they purposed to live for God’s glory alone, God used them in a mighty way.

Devoted Like Daniel shows how many of the prophecies in the book of Daniel have already been fulfilled and how some are yet to come about. As you walk through the book of Daniel in this study, you will be encouraged to remain firm in your devotion to God, strengthened in your faith, and spiritually prepared for the days ahead as you learn about end-time events and how they relate to our lives today.

The Power of the Gospel

An Inductive Overview of the book of Romans

Of Paul’s thirteen New Testament epistles, Romans is regarded as one of the richest. It is packed with both doctrine and application for daily life, reminding us that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not just something to believe but a truth to live out practically.

But that’s not always so easy to do. Romans was written at a time when people were either abusing grace and living in blatant sin or adding to grace by clinging to the traditions of men – a lot like today. The Power of the Gospel addresses these problems, offering an inductive overview of the book of Romans for women who, whether individually or in groups, want to dig into the Scripture and find help to truly live in victory over sin. Paul’s epistle provides a firm foundation not only in biblical doctrine but also in the grace of Jesus Christ so you can move from defeat to victory.

How To Walk

An Inductive Overview of the book of Ephesians

We live in dark times. New laws assault biblical morals, abortion is acceptable, darkness prevails in our schools, and believers are persecuted. It’s easy to feel like strangers in this world and become grieved and discouraged as we look around us. How do we live out faith when biblical truths are angrily opposed and our hearts are weighed down?

What a timely message the book of Ephesians gives the believer: we have God’s full resources in order to walk in victory in this world! Not only that, but Ephesians teaches us how to live it out: how to walk in love, how to walk circumspectly, how to walk as children of light. Ephesians shows us all that God has done for us and given to us through Jesus Christ for victory, strength, and blessing at every step!

Whether you are new to the faith or a veteran believer in Christ, this eleven-week inductive study of the book of Ephesians will help you live a full and victorious Christian life.

Consider Jesus

An Inductive Overview of the book of Hebrews

The writer of Hebrews wrote to Jewish converts, who had left Judaism for faith in Jesus Christ, warning them against backsliding and apostasy. Persecution was a real threat to these believers-disinheritance, excommunication, loss of employment, dispossession, mental harassment, physical torture, public mockery, imprisonment, or even martyrdom-and it was causing them to turn from Christ back to the Law.

Though this letter was addressed to Jewish Christians, its teaching, exhortations, and warnings are directly applicable to believers today as we face increasing opposition to our Christian faith. It motivates us to possess and enjoy the fullest and highest in the Christian life-found only in Jesus.

“Consider Jesus” is the urgent appeal of this letter. Andrew Murray wrote, “The cure the Epistle has for all our failures and feebleness, the one preservative from all danger and diseases is the knowledge of Jesus.”
This nineteen-week inductive study of the book of Hebrews will deepen your knowledge of Jesus and strengthen you to stand firm in your faith.

Evidence of Faith

An Inductive Overview of the book of James

What should a Christian look like? James wrote his letter to tell us just that. Written to encourage believers toward spiritual maturity, the book of James explains how a person’s attitudes, characteristics, and behaviors identify him or her as a follower of Christ.

James could be categorized as a “tough love” epistle. In this letter James probes, pierces, and exposes carelessness, indifference, and disobedience with unapologetic directness. But he does it in love, pressing us to a stronger faith and a deeper commitment to the Lord—even as we live in a difficult social climate.

James writes to ordinary people, encouraging us not just to believe the truth but also to live out our faith in action. This eleven-week inductive study of the book of James will challenge you and help develop in you evidence of a vibrant faith.

Steadfast in the Faith

An Inductive Overview of the book of 1st & 2nd Peter

The apostle Peter wrote two letters to believers who had been driven out of Jerusalem and scattered throughout Asia Minor. Many had fled for their lives because of persecution for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter wrote 1 and 2 Peter to strengthen the believers and help them stand fast in the face of terrible treatment and potential death.
These letters are also addressed to us, as the “elect,” or chosen, of God our Father. Like the early scattered believers, we too need to be prepared for victory over suffering, no matter what trials we face.

Peter’s primary purpose in writing his letters is to exhort us to stand, or be steadfast, in the true grace of God. In this inductive overview of 1 and 2 Peter, he reminds us that Christ is our example of how to remain steadfast in suffering. He also reminds us of the soon return of our Lord and Savior and how this “blessed hope” should influence every aspect of our lives here on earth.
May these two short letters, full of golden nuggets of truth, strengthen you to remain steadfast in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.What should a Christian look like? James wrote his letter to tell us just that. Written to encourage believers toward spiritual maturity, the book of James explains how a person’s attitudes, characteristics, and behaviors identify him or her as a follower of Christ.

James could be categorized as a “tough love” epistle. In this letter James probes, pierces, and exposes carelessness, indifference, and disobedience with unapologetic directness. But he does it in love, pressing us to a stronger faith and a deeper commitment to the Lord—even as we live in a difficult social climate. James writes to ordinary people, encouraging us not just to believe the truth but also to live out our faith in action. This eleven-week inductive study of the book of James will challenge you and help develop in you evidence of a vibrant faith.

Touched and Transformed

Hope for the Hurting

“Do you want to be made well?”

That is the question Jesus asked the infirmed man lying at the pool of Bethesda. That is the question He is asking you.
Millions are tormented by deep struggles, past suffering, and emotional pain, unable to find peace, true fulfillment and lasting satisfaction. Because of these unresolved heart-issues, many are prevented from living in the freedom and victory of Christ. The great news is that Jesus not only came to seek and to save the lost, but also to give an abundant life here on earth to all who will receive it.

Touched & Transformed is a discipleship study for men and women who want to be made well by the power and presence of Jesus. During this nine-week study, you will be guided through compelling testimonies from the Bible and remarkable insights into the wondrous names of God. You will learn of the unhindered freedom that comes only from a touch of the Holy Spirit and develop a deeper understanding of God’s healing, life-giving love.

There is hope for the hurting. When Jesus touches you, every aspect of your life will be transformed! Jesus is willing, and He is calling out to you:

“Do you want to be made well?”

Toque Transformador

Esperanza Para Los Heridos

¿Quieres ser sano?

Esta fue la pregunta que Jesús le hizo al hombre enfermo que estaba junto al estanque de Betesda.
Hoy Él te hace la misma pregunta.

Muchas personas son atormentadas por su pasado y llevan un dolor emocional interno muy profundo tratando de encontrar paz, propósito y satisfacción duradera. Por tener estos asuntos del corazón sin resolver, muchos no experimentan la libertad y la victoria de Cristo. Pero Jesús vino a dar vida abundante a todos los que le reciben.

Toque transformador es un estudio bíblico, grupal o individual, para hombres y mujeres que quieren ser sanados. Con testimonios impactantes de la Biblia y un conocimiento extraordinario de los nombres de Dios, descu- brirás la libertad sin obstáculos que viene del toque del Espíritu Santo, y te llevará a un entendimiento más profundo del amor sanador y la salvación que provienen de Dios.

Sí hay esperanza para los heridos. Cuando el Señor Jesucristo toca tu corazón, ¡cada aspecto de tu vida es transformado!